February 20, 2024

Finding the Wonder Around You

Do you ever feel like you can't get out of bed? Like everything will go away if you just sleep five more minutes? "Maybe if I just lay here I won't have to deal with the worlds problems" is something I've said to myself a million times over the years. Now more than ever I feel that feeling is easier for all of us to feel. Times are tough. Money isn't lasting like it used to, and we all feel out of touch with each other as much as we wish we could with reality. It's becoming harder and harder for us all to find hope for a better tomorrow. In times like these it's extremely important to find something that keeps us pushing forward. A hobby, a loved one, even a TV show. Something that gives you a reason to not give in to those dark and suffocating feelings. Not only am I here to tell you if you feel this way you're not alone, I'm going to give you some tips; things that have helped me through these tough times.

The way you speak to yourself matters!!! I know we've all heard that before, "you shouldn't speak of yourself that way" or "be nicer to yourself" if you're like me or many others you definitely have brushed that off. But have you ever stopped and thought about trying? Like really considered it? I know it sounds dumb but there's a lot of damage words and perception can do, especially when its directed inward. The more you yourself say terrible things inside about you the easier it is for you (and others) to believe it. So how can we stop? It's a long learned process into and out of self loathing, especially when the thought process has become even more prevalent. One of the things that helped me was to remind myself, as I'm having the thought, of how someone I love would feel as I was saying it. It's so easy to call yourself an idiot but imagine a stranger saying that to your mother, or your partner. See how outwardly harmful that is? Next address the statement. As easy as it is to say: "I hate myself", "I hate my life", "I'm such an idiot" is the statement true? Do you really hate yourself? If not good you've just recognized it as an irrational thought and you can start addressing where the feeling is coming from. If you really truly agree with the statement the first thing you need to do is ask yourself why. Why do I hate myself? Write it down. Wait a day and read it again. Does it still make sense? If so what can you do about it right now in this moment? You can either make steps to change the cause of the feeling or you can make steps to accept yourself as you are. We all have flaws but the most important love you'll ever feel is the love that comes from within.

Make time for yourself. Your life is finite. We either feel we're going to live forever or are angry every time we wake up. Life can suck. A lot. But the best thing about life is that it's yours. You can't control all of it but what you can't control you can control how you approach it. We are all super busy between work, family, friends, and panicking. Sometimes with all the hustle and bustle we forget that we as people exist. Try taking five minutes whether in the parking lot at your job or in your bedroom to just be. Exist. Maybe even actually try to meditate! We put ourselves on the back burner sooooo much nowadays and sometimes you feel you have to, but that's not true! You are the ONLY person you are guaranteed in this life! Take time to recharge. Have a glass of wine, put your favorite TV show on, do that project you've been putting off because it won't matter to anyone else. Whatever you feel worthy of your time do it! You deserve happiness. We all do. Take it all in even that little gap you have between turning your car off and actually getting out of the car. Allow yourself to recharge. 

Think of your favorite thing to do that you can do in your home. Wether it's cooking a big meal, spending time with loved ones, or drawing alone in your room. I challenge you to make time for it once a month. Give yourself something to look forward to. The goal or even carrot on a stick if you will, of a little treat will help. Even if it's something small having something positive consistently in your life makes everything a lot less dull. When you're extremely depressed its almost impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Looking forward to this  keeps you on the track with a lamp guiding you. It's a way to see that it's not all that bad.

I know it seems dark right now but life can be enjoyable. Even if it's through the little things. Even if its talking to yourself with love. It's not gonna be perfect and life is going to be crazy and hard at times but a positive outlook can do wonders. We can make it through this. Be resilient and remind yourself even if it feels like rock bottom it can only be up from there.



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