The Best Thing Covid Gave Us
The 2020's are here and they sure started out with a shitty bang. Covid struck and you were either stuck inside or stuck working in the biohazard that was open air. And as we are still climbing out of this terrible pandemic time has started to pass normally again and the trauma is slowly but surely becoming less severe. The world is more obviously a dumpster fire than ever and my generation has to live in it knowing they're grandchildren will probably wonder what life was like when it snowed and polar bears existed. It's hard not to see shit in a shit storm so let's look at the rise of something that doesn't suck. Respecting personal boundaries and breaking others. With the amount of people that are internet fluent now more than ever the phrase "you can do anything you put your mind to " is ringing true. Not only is this showing up in your friend groups it's happening in the circles of major creators. Look at Keith Lee, Momma Tot, and Momma Jill for instance, everyday people with charisma and a dream and now not only are they household names but they are making a living brightening your day with their own niche. Its incredible to see!
You can even see it in Music. Artist you'd never imagine working together are making incredible collaborations. I was listening to my shuffle the other day deep ly focused on what I was doing only half listening to the girlypop playing in my shuffle until I hear...wait ...there's no way... is that Lil Yachty??? And it worked I played that song over three times it was sooo good and unheard of to me. Beyoncé is making some amazing country music right now pushing the boundaries that should've never been there to begin with. We are seeing growth outside of the box we've never seen this extravagant before yeah artists have collaborated or changed genres before but this isn't just pushing boundaries this is breaking them down and showing they never should've been there to begin with.
Now more than ever you can be whoever you want to be; do whatever you want to do. This blog is one of the many ways I have found to boost my hopes. It gives me a feeling of hope being able to create whatever and however I want to. It gives me a sense of purpose to talk about nonsense or something I feel is important. Now when everything feels hopeless I think everyone should find something that gives them purpose. Find your medium who cares who sees it? This is for you! What makes you happy? Find it and hold on tight!